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Issue 2, 2024, pp. 14-30


Development of HTS cable lines for power output systems from generation sources and long power transmission lines.

O. A. Kovalchuk

JSC «NIIEFA», 196641, Saint Petersburg, Russia

G. V. Muravyov

JSC «NIIEFA», 196641, Saint Petersburg, Russia

V. I. Nikishkin

JSC «NIIEFA», 196641, Saint Petersburg, Russia

V. S. Ovsyannikov

JSC «NIIEFA», 196641, Saint Petersburg, Russia

I. Yu. Rodin

JSC «NIIEFA», 196641, Saint Petersburg, Russia

D. B. Stepanov

JSC «NIIEFA», 196641, Saint Petersburg, Russia

M. V. Dubinin

R&D CENTER @ FGC UES, 115201 Moscow, Russia

A. V. Kashcheev

R&D CENTER @ FGC UES, 115201 Moscow, Russia

V. E. Sytnikov

R&D CENTER @ FGC UES, 115201 Moscow, Russia




The article discusses general approaches to the development of HTS cable lines for long energy transmission lines and power output systems from generation sources, as part of a new technological structure of the energy industry. The use of the superconductivity effect makes it possible to achieve power transmission levels of 0.5-2.0 GVA or more without significantly increasing weight and size characteristics while simultaneously reducing energy losses. The results of theoretical estimates are presented, showing the possibility of reducing energy losses to a level of no more than 3% of the transmitted power and creating HTS power transmission lines up to 100 km long. It is shown that the accumulated experience makes it possible to start implementing pilot projects using superconducting cable lines, however, such developments will require taking into account many factors, including infrastructural technical and economic aspects.

Keywords: high temperature superconductor; cable line; cryostat; energy transmission; conductor; generation; cryoagent.


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