In order to ensure the high quality of scientific publications, all participants of the editorial and publishing process should follow the ethical norms accepted by the international scientific community and take measures to prevent any violations of these norms.
The Editorial Board of the journal “Superconductivity: Fundamental and Applied Research” in its activities is based on the Law of the Russian Federation dated 27.12.1991 № 2124-1 (ed. 01.07.2021) “On Mass Media” (with amendments and additions, effective from 01.03.2022), as well as on publication ethics, adopted in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE) and the experience of reputable international journals.
1 Responsibilities of the editorial board and members of the editorial board:
- Ensure the confidentiality of the manuscript review process by not disclosing any details without the author’s permission to anyone other than the assigned reviewers until a decision is made as to whether the manuscript will be published.
- Make the final decision on whether the manuscript will be published or rejected.
- Decide whether to accept or reject a manuscript for publication, taking into account only considerations of importance, originality and clarity of the material, as well as its relevance to the profile of the journal.
- Respect the intellectual independence of the author.
- Notify of any conflict of interest that may arise when working on a manuscript.
- Ensure confidentiality of names and other information regarding reviewers. If it is necessary, the latter may be informed of the names of previous reviewers when deciding whether to engage a new reviewer.
- Respond to any manifestations of improper scientific behavior on the part of the author or reviewer.
- Ethical standards for authors:
Authors while working on a manuscript should exclude:
- Fabrication and falsification of data: fabrication of data means that the researcher did not do any work but made up the data. Data falsification means that the researcher has changed some data;
- Plagiarism: misuse of other people’s ideas and works without properly attributing the source and obtaining permission for their use, intentionally appropriating the authorship of another’s work or part of it;
- Republishing: submission of articles to several journals, which is a violation of the terms of publication of materials in English and contradicts the generally accepted world publishing ethics. In addition, the consequence of republishing is that we violate the publishing rights of other publishers, which may result in litigation and the payment of large sums of money in the form of compensation and fines, not only to the publishers who previously published such articles, but also to distributors.
- Duplicate publications (self-plagiarism): sending and publishing similar or identical manuscripts to different journals, often in different languages. Submitting the same material to different journals, including in different languages, is considered self-plagiarism.
If a serious violation of copyright and authorship criteria is detected, the submitted manuscript will be rejected and the cooperation of the editorial board with the author may be terminated.
- Ethical standards for reviewers:
Reviewers, when working on a manuscript, should:
- Treat their work on the manuscript as confidential. In case the reviewer consults with colleagues about the manuscript under review, he/she must inform the editorial office.
- If the reviewer considers himself/herself insufficiently qualified for reviewing or cannot review the manuscript within the allotted time, he/she should return or destroy the manuscript and inform the Editorial Board.
- Make an objective judgment of the manuscript being reviewed within the time allotted.
- Return the manuscript to the Editorial Office without review if there is a conflict of interest. In particular, the reviewer should not review manuscripts whose author or co-author is a person with whom the reviewer has close personal or professional relations, if these relations may influence the reviewer’s conclusion.
- Explain their judgment about the manuscript under review and support their judgment in such a way that the editorial board and the authors can understand on what basis these judgments were made.
- Inform the editorial board of any similarities between the manuscript under review and another article published or under review in another journal.
- Ensure the confidentiality of any unpublished data, interpretation or other information contained in the article and not use the information contained in the peer-reviewed unpublished paper in their own research.
- To the best of one’s knowledge, promptly notify the editor that the manuscript under review contains borrowed material or falsified data when discovered.
- Not to retain copies or duplicate the manuscript under review in any form to avoid violating the requirements of copyright documents.
- Report all conflicts of interest that may arise during the work on the manuscript and its publication.