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Issue 3, 2024, pp. 77-87


Commercial HTS Windings

E. Yu. Klimenko

Moscow Aviation Institute. Volokolamsk highway, 4, 125993, Moscow, Russia


K. L. Kovalev

Moscow Aviation Institute. Volokolamsk highway, 4, 125993, Moscow, Russia

Joint Institute for High Temperature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Izhorskaya, 13-2, 125412,
Moscow, Russia



Commercial superconducting windings must meet traditional technical requirements for electrical equipment. Among the many thousands of superconducting windings manufactured over the past six decades, not all have achieved the rated current, not all are reliably protected, and the controllability of the windings is almost never remembered. Using the example of the speculative design of the HTS winding, approaches to the implementation of these important requirements for commercial HTS windings are illustrated.

Keywords: material equation of a superconductor; HTSP tape, Wire from a pair of tapes without insulation between them, flow around sections with increased resistance, stability of HTSP wire.


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