About the possibility of a pulsed superconducting indictive energy storage without a switch using the phenomenon of ultrafast transition
V. S. Vysotsky
JSC ‘‘VNIIKP’’ shosse Entuziastov, 5, 111024, Moscow, Russia
A. A. Konyukhov
P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskij prospekt, 53, 119991, Moscow, Russia
The phenomenon of ultrafast transition (fast quench) to the normal state is known for some types of multistrand superconducting cables. The apparent velocity of propagation of the normal zone in such cables exceeds 100 km/s. Based on the application of the phenomenon of ultrafast transition, a possible concept of a pulsed superconducting inductive energy storage without an external switch is discussed. The strengths and weaknesses of such a storage device are considered and preliminary estimates of a system with an energy of ~ 1 MJ are made.
Keywords: superconducting magnets; inductive energy storage; fast quench.
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