Effect of heat treatment on the structure and mechanical properties of the semi-finished products from NbTa(Zr,Hf,Y) alloy for the manufacture of Nb3Sn superconductors
T.Y. Soboleva
JSC «Advanced Research Institute of Inorganic Materials named after Academician A. A. Bochvar», (JSC VNIINM),123098, Moscow, Russia
N.V. Konovalova
JSC «Advanced Research Institute of Inorganic Materials named after Academician A. A. Bochvar», (JSC VNIINM),123098, Moscow, Russia
I. M. Abdyukhanov
JSC «Advanced Research Institute of Inorganic Materials named after Academician A. A. Bochvar», (JSC VNIINM),123098, Moscow, Russia
A.S. Tsapleva
JSC «Advanced Research Institute of Inorganic Materials named after Academician A. A. Bochvar», (JSC VNIINM),123098, Moscow, Russia
K.A. Mareev
JSC «Advanced Research Institute of Inorganic Materials named after Academician A. A. Bochvar», (JSC VNIINM),123098, Moscow, Russia
M.V. Kravtsova
JSC «Advanced Research Institute of Inorganic Materials named after Academician A. A. Bochvar», (JSC VNIINM),123098, Moscow, Russia
M.V. Alekseev
JSC «Advanced Research Institute of Inorganic Materials named after Academician A. A. Bochvar», (JSC VNIINM),123098, Moscow, Russia
The influence of the degree of deformation and annealing on the mechanical properties of Nb-based alloy samples of different compositions: Nb-Ta-Zr, Nb-Ta-Hf, Nb-Ta-Zr-Y used in the manufacture of Nb3Sn superconductors is studied. The deformability of Nb-based alloys in the composition of single-fiber composite Nb3Sn superconductors, which were manufactured using the technology of an internal tin source and the «powder – in – tube» method, has been studied. It is shown that the values of the time resistance of samples with a sheath made of Nb alloys 7.5 wt.% Ta–0.5 wt.% Zr and Nb–7.5 wt.% Ta–1 wt. % Zr are at the same level of ~ 650 MPa, and the elongation values are ~ 2%. The structural features of the fracture surface of Nb-based alloy samples with varying degrees of accumulated deformation and single-fiber conductors have been studied. The results of the work will be used in the development of technological modes for manufacturing Nb3Sn-based superconductors.
Keywords: superconductor; alloy; alloying; Nb3Sn; structure; mechanical properties.
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